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Sunagri investment zambia limited is an agricultural technology company incorporated in Zambia .The company exploration of intelligent drones serving agricultural and work closely with the CAA zambia on technology began in 2017 .

show ground agriculture show 2017

show ground agriculture show 2018

After a year of practice and operation, we have accumulated rich experience in the application of drones in the farmland.Combined with the practical application of mature technology of modern uav in traditional agriculture, our services include precise spraying operation of various crops, high efficiency, multi-spectral scanning of crops, uav operation and application training, agricultural uav sales, etc.

our team in 2019

local operator in2020

With the development of the company and business needs, we try to train new local staff to operate the system, so that the new agricultural technology can be understood and trusted by more people.

demo party in chibombo

In order to be able to communicate closely with customers, we tried to contact them and held a demo party to show them the UAV and tractor navigation system.

2020 is a year full of disasters. With the spread of the epidemic, Zambia has also been affected. At the same time, the company's state is not very ideal. However, with the coming of the rainy season at the end of the year, everything seems to have a turn for the better. We can see that new hope is booming, and we hope our hard work will usher in harvest.